In 6 steps
to success

Find out how you get from arriving on the crimalin website to joining an actual group of people, thus beginning your Journey.

How it works


Congratulations – you are here, that means something brought you to crimalin and you took the first step towards starting your personal Journey with us.


Now you should ask yourself (or us) what coaching can support you with. We offer three distinct Journeys we would love to embark on together with you:

If you are still not sure which one is for you though, go ahead and take our guidance quiz – we would gladly make a suggestion!


Once you have selected the path you would like to take, hit the button, review our general terms and privacy agreement, then leave your contact details.Do not worry, your data is safe with us. Fairness, security and privacy are absolutely paramount to us in working with you!


In preparation of our Journey, we will get in touch with you to find out a bit more about yourself and your reasons for being here. At the same time we will let you choose the timeslots that work for you every month for your sessions and ask you to provide payment details to us.
Don't worry, we won't use them and won't charge you until everything has been confirmed and a suitable group has been found for your journey. We only charge €1, which you will then be refunded directly.

Fairness, security and data protection are the most important things for us when working with you.


After we hear back from you, we will send you a summary and confirmation including all the details we agreed on once more.

Join your group

Then all that is left before we can get started is to find the perfect group for you. Once that is done, we connect with you for our first session, marking the beginning of your Journey! Again, we will not charge you before this step has been completed and your Journey actually begins.

We cannot wait to meet you!

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Herzlichen Glückwunsch – du bist hier, das heißt, etwas hat dich zu crimalin geführt und du hast den ersten Schritt getan, um deine persönliche Journey mit uns zu beginnen.



Nun solltest du dich (oder uns) fragen, womit dich das Coaching unterstützen kann. Wir bieten dir drei verschiedene Journeys, die wir gerne mit dir gemeinsam antreten würden:

Wenn du dir noch nicht ganz sicher bist, welche Journey die richtige für dich ist, dann mach doch einfach unser Beratungs-Quiz – wir machen dir gerne einen Vorschlag!



Wenn du deine crimalin Journey ausgewählt hast, klicke einfach auf den Anmelde-Button. Dann lies bitte unsere Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und die Datenschutzvereinbarung und hinterlasse deine Kontaktdaten.



Um deine Journey gut vorzubereiten, werden wir uns dann mit dir in Verbindung setzen und dich etwas genauer nach deinen Beweggründen, deinem Anliegen und deinem Ziel fragen. Außerdem lassen wir dich dann die Zeitfenster für deine Sitzungen auswählen und bitten dich auch, uns deine Zahlungsdaten mitzuteilen.

Keine Sorge, wir nutzen sie nicht und berechnen dir nichts, bevor nicht alles bestätigt ist und eine passende Gruppe für deine Journey gefunden wurde. Wir buchen nur 1 € ab, den Du dann direkt zurückerstattet bekommst.

Fairness, Sicherheit und Datenschutz sind für uns in der Zusammenarbeit mit dir das Wichtigste.



Nachdem wir von dir eine Rückmeldung erhalten haben, schicken wir dir eine Zusammenfassung und eine Bestätigung mit allen Details, die wir besprochen haben.


Deiner Gruppe beitreten

Dann müssen wir nur noch die perfekte Gruppe für dich finden, um loszulegen. Sobald das geschehen ist, setzen wir uns mit dir für eine erste Sitzung in Verbindung, die den Beginn deiner Journey bedeutet. Nochmal: Wir stellen dir nichts in Rechnung, bevor dieser Schritt abgeschlossen ist und deine Journey tatsächlich beginnt!

Wir können es kaum erwarten, dich kennenzulernen!


Here we answer the most common questions about crimalin, the Journeys and the process. In case we did not answer yours, just get in touch with us via our contact page and we will gladly help you with any other inquiries.

What is crimalin?

crimalin is an online group coaching platform. It has been proven that coaching in groups is highly effective in terms of personal growth. Therefore, we work in small groups that offer multi-layered learning opportunities which could not be realized on that level in individual coaching.

During your 6-month membership, you will find solutions to your own challenges but at the same time, you will learn from the challenges of the other group members. This is enhanced by working on tasks together and by mutual peer coaching. The exchange among the group is often personally enriching which is why group members frequently stay in touch long after their journeys are completed.

What is a crimalin membership?

The crimalin membership lasts six months. During this time, you participate in a group coaching session once a month. In between coaching sessions, you work on tasks that continue the coaching and enhance your personal growth – alone and together with your peers.

What is included in a crimalin membership?

Membership includes participation in a six-month targeted group coaching program. Your crimalin group is created based on your chosen focus and meets once a month online for six months – in then final session you will get to meet your coach one on one. When you sign up, you can choose a journey to take with your crimalin group.

You can choose from the following Journeys:

  • Balance & Vitality Journey
  • Life Orientation & Navigation Journey
  • Business & Career Impact Journey

Who is crimalin suitable for?

crimalin is suitable for you if you want to commit to your growth and development over a longer period and experience this development together with other people. We don't put groups together by location, industry, or demographics, but by various goals and challenges. When you sign up with crimalin, we can almost always find a group for you.

How do we guarantee the quality of our coaches?

To guarantee the quality of our coaches, we at crimalin only hire coaches who are certified by one of the relevant associations and have many years of professional experience. Our crimalin coaches also regularly take part in further training.

When is coaching not suitable for me?

Coaching cannot replace medical or psychological therapy. Therefore, if you are seeking help for serious physical or mental health issues, please consult a doctor or a professional psychotherapist.

When can I register? How long is the waiting period?

Applications are currently possible. We review applications on an ongoing basis as we start new groups every month. The waiting period is usually no longer than one month. However, in individual cases, the wait time may be slightly longer.

When will my Journey start?

Your group coaching sessions will most likely start within a month of you signing up.

How often do the group coaching sessions take place?

Group coaching sessions take place once a month. A Journey lasts 6 months. The first five coaching sessions are 120 minutes each and are held over Zoom. In the final session you and your peers each receive a 30 minute one on one session in which you will get to speak with your coach individually.

What happens in a group coaching session?

In each group coaching session, you will be challenged through various exercises and conversation formats on the topic the group is focused on. Through sharing with others and listening to them, you will walk away from each session with new perspectives and tools that will help you with your personal development. This will enable change in the areas that matter most to you. At the end of each session, you'll reflect on your findings and identify specific actions you can take between now and the next meeting.

How much does a crimalin membership cost?

A crimalin membership lasts for six months. It costs 178,50 € (150 € plus 28,50 € VAT) per month. That includes the two-hour sessions as well as peer and individual exercises.

In many cases by the way, coaching is recognized as professional training and can therefore be claimed against tax. Therefore, members often have their coaching sponsored by their employers too.

Can I extend my Journey?

A Journey cannot be extended. However, it is possible to continue with another Journey or book additional one on one coaching sessions after concluding the initial Journey.

Can I take advantage of additional individual coaching sessions?

Yes, it is possible to book additional one-on-one coaching sessions for an additional fee.

What happens if I can't attend all group meetings?

When you join a crimalin Journey, you commit to attending all six group meetings so that the group coaching process can proceed undisturbed. Of course, it may happen that you cannot attend a meeting – we understand that. Your peers will inform you in the next session about the progress. In this case, however, it is not possible to make up or get reimbursed for this session.

What if I can no longer keep the dates of my group meetings?

Please let your coach know as soon as possible if you are having problems with the timing of your group sessions. We will do our best to find a solution that works for you.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact or to write us via our contact page – we will do everything we can to help you.

What if I want to cancel my crimalin membership?

By signing up for crimalin, you are committing to a six-month membership. Based on the information you provide when you sign up, you will be assigned to a specific group with the intention that you will meet with the same group and coach throughout the program. If you choose to cancel your membership, there are no refunds. By confirming your information and entering your payment information, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to this as described in our Terms and Conditions.

Do I need the internet to use crimalin?

Yes, you need stable internet to use crimalin. You also need a laptop/tablet/computer, and a quiet place.

What if my question is not answered here?

Just contact us via or our contact page and we will answer you as soon as possible.

Your Journey begins now...

Embark on your Journey together with us - whichever direction you choose,
we are there with you to explore and discover new paths!